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Why National Education Policy (NEP 2020): A MUST for India

 As a kid, I used to go to Chatashali (today's nursery class) where I had my first hand knowledge of education, culture, mythology, etc. This was my first learning sessions and my introduction to the field of educational career that went up till another 20 years. 

Today I am a professional and after churning myself in the work/corporate professional life for another 20 years, I got into my own by venturing into independent management consulting and floating a social enterprise.

In the span of 40+ years if I see where I stand, I can only deduce that if at all I had the guts or knowledge of venturing out on my own or started a business of my own, I would be employing another hundred or may be thousands till now. But my educational career didn't gave me that freedom. It only taught me to join the race of employment that many other lakhs or crores of youngsters at my age were doing. From schooling to College education, I gained theoretical knowledge. Though it refined my scholastic abilities, but for a middle class guy from a C-class city having no outward scope, it was simply worthless and just a way to reach to Masters Degree. I would have become an Engineer but didn't opted as I wanted to be an Entrepreneur. I had in between entered into couple of business ventures, but due to lack of Govt support and even the lengthy process of files and procedures including BRIBEs, I was lost and forced myself into the professional job. Though I was making my mind to be content and satisfied, I wasn't so. Like many others across the country, I can only curse the faulty education system, which was rudimentary, redundant and over-pouring of knowledge that ultimately of no use.

I had lost touch of my spiritual and ancient Indian values, I was taught with retorted history of my India and took me away from the Great History of Bharat which was Golden. A culture and custom that was very rich, my country was a Global Leader of EDUCATION & LEARNING in the ancient times, but everything was washed off with the same kind of colonial pattern of education just to suit the people at the helm of affairs. Ultimately, lakhs of people/students like me were become victims of a faulty education system and erratic teaching of educationists. Though I don't blame all of my teachers as some of them are good in what they taught for which at least I am what I am today.

Now, why I am writing all this and cursing my past education and career?? Its because I am jealous of the future generation of India who are going to be part of the National Education Policy of 2020 implemented by visionary Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi.

Most children always want to be independent in their life and career while staying attached to their roots. This is only possible when you are subjected to a holistic approach in your early and higher education system. A system that keeps the tradition and culture alive while training you to be a better person, having good knowledge and gives you the power to become self-reliant. When we have a young generation with such resource pool, no country in the world can stop India to become global leader again.

As far as my knowledge of NEP 2020 goes, it sure will reboot the existing educational system. 

In my next Blog, I will write about NEP 2020 in detail... Please stay tuned....


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